Dana Wolf is a Professor of Virology and Infectious Diseases at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, and a Senior Infectious Diseases Physician at the Hadassah University Hospital.
She received her M.D. degree at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and completed her Internal Medicine residency and her fellowship in Infectious Diseases at the Hadassah University Hospital. She pursued a postdoctoral fellowship in Virology at the University of California San Diego and later spent a year as a visiting scientist at Stanford University.
Since 2002 – she is the Director of Clinical Virology at Hadassah.
Dr. Wolf is a member of several national and international advisory committees and boards, including the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and Infectious Diseases in Israel, and the European Society for Virology Executive Board, and has been an active partner in several EU Research Consortiums.
Her studies have focused on human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) transmission and pathogenesis in the materno-fetal interface; employing a unique ex vivo human placental model, she has characterized the mode of maternal-to-fetal viral spread and the impact of placental innate immune responses and new antiviral approaches on the outcome of congenital infection. In her recent studies, she explores how distinct maternal antibodies and antiviral drugs interact with HCMV within the local environment of the human materno-fetal interface. In parallel, she has also studied Zika virus infection and virus-specific innate immune responses in the human placenta. In her clinical-diagnostic studies, she is interested in the epidemiology and early prenatal and neonatal diagnosis of congenital HCMV infection and disease.
Dr. Wolf’s lab further focuses on the discovery and evaluation of novel antiviral drugs and drug targets, and on the mechanism and impact of antiviral drug resistance. Her research has already been successful in identifying a novel compound, which is highly active against HCMV. This newly discovered antiviral drug has formed the basis for the foundation of a new biotech company dedicated to development of agents for the prevention and treatment of severe and potentially life-threatening infectious diseases.
Or Alfi, PhD student
Olesya Vorontsov, PhD student
Esther Oiknine-Djian
Dr. Ido From
The Lautenberg center for immunology and cancer research
Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada (IMRIC), Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
POB 12272, Jerusalem 91120, Israel
Tel: 972-2-6757725
Fax: 972-2-6430834